to say "I am not a body" does not mean "I do not have a body" or "I need not cherish the body as spiritual" the self does not become the Self the Self becomes a self so spirit assumes a body so you are a spirit with a body embodied spirit knowing you are essentially the Self means you reverence yourself reverence all selves, with their bodies, as being emanations of one Light
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How can I love freely, gladly those who struggle with their humanness in this human body and act in compassion to other embodied creatures, unless I accept thankfully the form in which I live and breathe with them? I breathe with the trees, the fish, the sky, the hills, the rain, the fowl, ... So, regardless of what more we are, we are creatures with other creatures, sharing a shared space, the same air and ground and sky, living in mutual reliance on one another.
absolute and relative ~ one is one, each the other if you flee into the absolute you flee into the relative if you flee into the relative you flee into the absolute no hiding place from each and both how can I know the True Face if I turn from my face looking deeply into my face I see the Face of every face embracing wholly my name I know the Name of everyone given a name so... "what?" no escape what a relief! no need or wish to hide from self or Self what joy! in graceful embrace ~ the gate of either opens to either to love by Love
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